Government allocates $3M to Biocell as part of the Covid-19 vaccine strategy, Wellington, NZ, 27 August 2020
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and Research, Science and Innovation Minister Megan Wood have allocated $3 million to Biocell for the upgrade of our facilities, which will allow for large-scale manufacturing of a Covid-19 vaccine here in New Zealand. “Biocell will be able to manufacture up to 100 million doses.” This forms part of the government fund announced today, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, that is being put towards accessing a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine once available.
Ardern highlighted the importance of a proactive approach to securing a Covid-19 vaccine, as global vaccine allocations and drug-purchasing agreements may likely prioritise high-need countries, placing New Zealand at the back of the queue. Manufacturing the vaccine here in Auckland will ensure that New Zealand, and other nearby countries, have access to a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine. “The hundreds of millions we’ve put into this strategy I think means we can be optimistic around where New Zealand is positioned.”
Read more about New Zealand’s Covid-19 vaccine strategy here.